GET STARTED{$showtopbar$}Hexnode provides a wide range of on-demand and scheduled reports to meet every use case required by the enterprise. Always be in the know with all-inclusive reports on devices, users, applications and much more. Track and save every aspect of device management for creation of management plans or future references.
Devices that do not follow the restrictions and company standards will be shown as non-compliant in the Hexnode portal. Detailed reports on device status and compliance history can be exported and documented. Identify devices that keep going out of compliances and enforce necessary remote actions from within the report tab.
Any report can be scheduled to be generated daily, weekly or monthly, as per requirement. The admin can also specify the time of scan initiation, to generate the report, in hours and minute. The report will be sent to the email specified while scheduling the report. The admin can also include the subject and any addition text to be sent along with the report.
Location based policies can be employed on devices to ensure security and employee productivity. Hexnode provides an extensive location history report that includes the location address, co-ordinates and time. These reports can also be used to monitor the time an employee spent at a specific location and hence assess productivity.
Reports can be easily exported in convenient CSV or PDF formats, from the Hexnode portal, for documentation. The admin can assign technician roles such as “Reports Manager” or “Apps and Reports manager”, the former having access only to the reports tab and the latter to the reports and apps tab, for easy management of various reports.
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