Category filter

Managed app configurations for Urovo devices

OEMConfig is an Android Enterprise solution that enables OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) to provide device-specific management features through third-party UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) platforms. Using OEMConfig, OEMs can create configuration apps that serve as a bridge between device-centric features and the UEM platform, allowing administrators to access and manage OEM-specific settings directly from the UEM. Urovo Oemconfig is an app for managing and customizing settings for Urovo Android devices from an MDM console. This app offers features like Advanced Wi-Fi settings, APN settings, Kiosk mode, Keymap, support for ScanWedge restrictions, file management capabilities, and many more.


The devices and organization enrolled in the Android Enterprise program.

Add the app to the Hexnode inventory

First, you must approve the Urovo Oemconfig app to add the app to the Hexnode app inventory.

  1. Navigate to the Apps tab.
  2. Click the +Add apps button and select Managed Google Apps from the drop-down list.
  3. Search for the Urovo Oemconfig app and click on Select.

This will add the Urovo Oemconfig app to the Hexnode app inventory. You can then deploy the app to the target devices.

Set-up OEM Configurations

To enable OEM Configurations on your Android Enterprise devices

  1. Go to the Policies tab.
  2. Create a new policy using the New Policy button or select an existing policy.
  3. Navigate to Android > App Management > App Configurations.
  4. Click on Configure and + Add new configuration button.
  5. Select the Urovo Oemconfig app from the list of approved apps.
  6. From the app configuration screen displayed, configure the required settings.
  7. You’ll have the following features to be configured.

    WLAN Configuration


    WLAN configuration is not compatible with Android 12.

    Category Configuration Description
    WLAN WLAN Action Allows you to configure WLAN settings. There are 4 options available:
    • None
    • Set Profile
    • Remove Profile
    • Remove All Profiles
    SSID Enter the name of the Wi-Fi network you want the device to connect to.
    Password Enter the password to connect to the Wi-Fi.

    For WPA, there must be at least 8 characters, and for WEP there must be at least 5 characters.

    Security Mode Defines the type of security the network uses (WPA, and WEP).
    IP Assignment Determines how the device gets an IP address on the network.
    • DHCP
    • Static IP
    Static IP Address Used when IP Assignment is set to Static IP.
    Hidden SSID Enabling this allows the device to connect to Wi-Fi networks with hidden SSIDs not shown in the network list.
    Static IP Mode – Prefix Length Indicates the network’s subnet mask by specifying the prefix length, which determines the size of the network.
    Static IP Mode – Gateway Enter the IP address of the gateway (usually the router) that provides access to other networks.
    Static IP Mode – DNS Server 1 Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
    Static IP Mode – DNS Server 2 Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server, the device can use if DNS Server 1 is unavailable.
    Proxy Mode Determines if the device uses a proxy server to connect to the internet. There are 2 options:
    • PAC Mode
    • Static Mode
    Proxy – PAC Mode – PAC File URL If Proxy Mode is set to PAC Mode, enter the URL of the PAC file.
    Proxy – Static Mode – Host URL If Proxy Mode is set to Static Mode, enter the URL of the proxy server.
    Proxy – Static Mode – Port If Proxy Mode is set to Static Mode, enter the port number on the proxy server.
    Proxy – Static Mode – Exclusive List If Proxy Mode is set to Static Mode, the admin can enter a list of websites or IP addresses that should bypass the proxy server and connect directly.
    Wi-Fi White list Configuration Action This field specifies the action you want to take with the Wi-Fi whitelist. There are 3 options:
    • None
    • Insert Wi-Fi white list
    • Remove Wi-Fi white list
    SSID Enter the name of the Wi-Fi network you want to whitelist.

    Clock Configuration
    Settings Description
    Clock Action Allows you to configure clock settings.
    Time Mode Specifies how the clock will get its time settings. It can be set manually or updated automatically.
    Manual Date Enter the date in dd/MM/yyyy format.
    Manual Time Enter the time in HH: mm format.
    Time Zone Mode Specifies whether the time zone is set manually or automatically.
    Manual Time Zone Enter the required time zone. It should be an Olson ID like Asia/Taipei to specify a particular region’s time.
    Time Format Choose the time format, either 12 hours or 24 hours.
    Manual Ntp Server Enter the URL of NTP Server to keep the clock accurate.

    Sound Configuration
    Settings Description
    Sound Set Action Allows you to configure the sound settings.
    Alarm Volume Sets alarm volume. The default value is 3.
    Media Volume Sets media volume. The default value is 3.
    Ring volume Sets ringtone volume. The default value is 3.
    Call volume Sets voice call volume. The default value is 3.
    Notification Sound Set whether the default notification is enabled.
    Dial Pad Tones Set whether the sound effects are played when dialing.
    Screen Locking Sounds Set whether to play sounds when the screen lock is dismissed or set.
    Touch Sounds Sets whether to play touch sounds.
    Touch Vibration Sets whether the vibration feedback turns on or off when touching.

    Display Configuration
    Settings Description
    Display Action Allows you to configure display settings.
    Display Timeout Set the time duration before the display automatically turns off.
    Stay Awake Enabling this option keeps the display on and prevents the device from going to sleep mode.
    Display Font Size Controls the size of text on the screen.
    Back Light Level Adjusts the screen’s brightness. The value ranges from 0 – 255.
    Auto Brightness Enabling this option automatically adjusts screen brightness.
    Auto rotate Allows the screen to automatically rotate.
    Screen Orientation Sets the orientation of the screen. The value ranges from 0 – 5.
    • Disable (0): Locks the screen in its current orientation.
    • Portrait (1): Displays content vertically.
    • Landscape (2): Displays content horizontally.
    • Reverse Portrait (3): Displays content vertically but upside down.
    • Reverse Landscape (4): Displays content horizontally but upside down.
    • Auto (5): Let the screen rotate automatically based on device movement.

    Scanner Configuration
    Settings Description
    Scanner Action Allows you to configure scanner settings. There are 3 options: None, Import and Export.
    Scanner Settings Folder Path Export path is fixed as /sdcard/Default_scanner_property.xml. You can customize its import path.

    WlanAdvanced Configuration


    WlanAdvanced configuration is not compatible with Android 12.

    Settings Description
    wlanadvanced Action Allows you to configure advanced WLAN settings.
    Power Save Mode If enabled, Wi-Fi uses less power by reducing its activity when not in use. If disabled, Wi-Fi stays active all the time, consuming more power. This option is enabled by default.
    Roaming Threshold Sets the signal strength level before looking for a better network. The value range is 50 ~ 100.
    Roaming Difference Sets how much stronger a new Wi-Fi signal has to be before switching. The value range is 0 ~ 10.
    Roaming Scan Period Controls how often the device looks for better Wi-Fi while moving. The value range is 0ms ~ 60000ms.

    NFC Configuration
    Settings Description
    NFC Action Allows you to configure NFC settings.
    NFC Adapter Enable this option to turn ON the NFC adapter. Disabling turns OFF the adapter.

    Power Configuration
    Settings Description
    Power Action Allows you to configure actions related to power settings. There are 4 options:
    • None
    • Reboot
    • Shutdown
    • Reset Reboot

    General UI Configuration
    Settings Description
    General UI Action Allows you to configure general UI settings.
    System Language Sets the language of the device.
    IME Current Keyboard Enter the package name of the keyboard app.
    Spell checker Allows to turn ON/OFF spell checker on the device.
    Pointer Speed Sets the pointer speed of the input device. Level ranges from –7~7.

    Wireless General Configuration
    Settings Description
    Wireless General Action Allows you to configure wireless general actions like location mode.
    Location Mode Allows you to turn ON/OFF GPS location on the device. It is enabled by default.

    Fota Configuration
    Settings Description
    Fota Action Allows you to configure Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) settings.
    Fota OS Update Service Path Specifies the path or URL for the OS update service.
    Fota OS Update Service Check Time Sets how often the device checks for OS updates from the service path.
    Fota OS Update Only Use WIFI If enabled, OS updates will get downloaded only when connected to Wi-Fi.
    Fota OS Update Local If enabled, allows OS updates to be done locally without connecting to an online service.
    Fota OS Update File Path Enter the OS update file path (e.g., *.zip).

    Programmable Keys Configuration
    Settings Description
    Keymap Action Select the option required to configure the keymap settings. The available options include:
    • None
    • Import mappings
    • Export mappings
    KeyMap Profile Export Path Enter the folder path to save the exported keymap profile on the device. It is suggested to save the profile in a separate folder.
    KeyMap Profile Import File Path Enter the path where keymap profiles are imported from.

    Scan Configuration
    Settings Description
    Scan Action Allows you to configure scanner settings.
    Scan Switch Allows you to enable/disable scanner input.
    Scan floating button If enabled, it adds a floating button on the screen that users can tap to start a scan.
    Scan Switch Allows you to enable/disable scanner input.
    Scan trigger mode Sets how the scanner is activated. The options available are:
    • Short press to trigger decoding or timeout stop.
    • Short press to trigger continuous scanning, short press again to stop.
    • Long press trigger, release to stop.
    • Long press to trigger continuous scanning, release to stop.
    Category Configuration Description
    Continuous scanning set Continuous scanning mode Allows the scanner to stay active and continuously look for barcodes or QR codes. The options available are:
    • Repeatable decoding
    • Continuous nonrepeating decoding
    • No duplicate decoding in cache
    Continuous scanning timeout (50~60000ms) Sets the maximum duration (in milliseconds) for the scanner to remain in continuous scanning mode before stopping. By default, it is 5000ms.
    Continuous scanning time interval (0~5000ms) Sets the delay (in milliseconds) between each scan attempt. By default, it is 50ms.
    Decode multiple times Sets how many times the scanner will attempt to decode a barcode before stopping or moving to the next scan. By default, it is 3.
    Decode Fixed Number If enabled, the scanner stops after continuously scanning a fixed number of barcodes.
    Multiple barcode parameters Solving multiple barcodes If enabled, the scanner can scan multiple barcodes.
    Number of barcodes scanned per time (1-10) Sets the number of barcodes the scanner can scan in one attempt. The default value is 1.
    Fixed number of barcodes per scan If enabled, the scanner will look for and decode a fixed number of barcodes in a single scan session. By default, it is enabled.
    Output Mode Output Mode Select Allows you to select the output mode. There are 3 options available:
    • Intent Output
    • Keyboard Output
    • Intend And Keyboard Output
    Pasteboard If enabled, it activates a clipboard where text and data can be copied or cut from one location and pasted into another.
    Input Text Box Mode If enabled, it activates a clipboard where text and data can be copied or cut from one location and pasted into another.
    Pasteboard Specifies how text is handled when entering it into input fields (text boxes) on the device. There are 2 options available:
    • Append
    • Replace
    Website recognition and redirect If enabled, the device can detect website addresses and automatically redirect to open it in a web browser.
    KeyBoard Output Mode Keyboard type Allows you to set the keyboard type. There are 3 options available:
    • Text Box Optimization
    • Input Method Software
    • Only Physical Keyboard
    Sound Sets sound while typing on the keyboard.
    • None
    • Short
    • Sharp
    Vibrate If enabled, the device vibrates while typing on the keyboard.
    Operation key characters There are 4 options available:
    • None
    • Carriage Return
    • Line Feed
    • Tab
    Broadcast Output Broadcast Action Defines the action that the device will broadcast when data is decoded.
    Broadcast String Data Label Specifies the label for the decoded data when it is broadcasted as a string.
    Broadcast Byte Data Label Specifies the label for the decoded data when it is broadcasted as byte data.
    Sound Sets sound settings for broadcast action. The options available are:
    • None
    • Short
    • Sharp
    Vibrate If enabled, the device will vibrate when broadcast action occurs.
    Reader Parameter Chinese encoding type Allows to adjust the barcode reader to correctly interpret Chinese characters in barcodes. The available options are:
    • UTF-8
    • GBK
    • BIG5
    • ISO_8859_1
    • US-ASCII
    • UTF-16
    • UTF-16BE
    • UTF-16LE
    • Auto(UTF-8|GBK)
    • ISO_8859_15
    Custom encoding type Allows you to specify a different character encoding type for decoding barcodes.
    Minimum length of one-dimensional code If this option is enabled, you can set the minimum length of one-dimensional code.
    Minimum length of one-dimensional code Sets the minimum number of characters required for a valid one-dimensional barcode. By default, it is 2.
    Laser duration Defines how long (in milliseconds) the scanner’s laser will stay active when attempting to read a barcode. By default, it is 50000ms.
    Multiple verification Allows to verify barcode multiple times. The available options are:
    • Security level one
    • Security level two
    • Security level three
    • Security level four
    One-dimensional code characteristics One-dimensional code characteristics switch To eEnable/disable settings for scanning one-dimensional barcodes. Enabled by default.
    One-dimensional inverse decoding Allows the scanner to decode inverted barcodes. The options available are:
    • Convention decode
    • Only inverse
    • Automatic detection
    One-dimensional code border check Allows to check the borders of the barcode to ensure the scanner reads a complete and valid code. The available options are:
    • Disable
    • No-minimum area checked
    • Requires a fully specified quiet zone area to be within the image
    • Requires 2X the fully specified quiet zone area to be within the image
    Decoding single image time Sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) the scanner spends trying to decode a single image of a barcode. By default, it is 125ms.
    Trigger aiming mode If enabled, it activates a feature, usually a light that helps the user to focus the scanner more accurately at a barcode.
    Trigger aiming delay Sets the time before the aiming light is activated.
    Fill light Fill light configuration Allows to set additional light (fill light) to help the scanner read barcodes in low-light conditions. The available options are:
    • Disable
    • Only aiming light
    • Only floodlight
    • Alternating operation
    • Run
    Fill light brightness Sets the brightness level of the fill light
    Exposure mode Set the exposure mode to either Auto or Manual.
    Exposure Sets the duration (in milliseconds) of exposure while scanning. By default, it is 200ms.
    Gain Adjusts the sensitivity of the scanner’s sensor to light.
    Gain image contrast Enhances the contrast of the image by adjusting the gain settings.
    Viewfinder Decode Viewfinder Set Allows to enable/disable viewfinder settings.
    Viewfinder Mode Specifies how the viewfinder is used during scanning. The options available are:
    • Off
    • Around Aimer
    • Field Of View
    • Picklist Mode
    Top Left X Sets value for the X (horizontal position) coordinate of the top-left corner of the viewfinder window on the screen. By default, it is 632.
    Top Left Y Sets value for the Y (vertical position) coordinate of the top-left corner of the viewfinder window on the screen. By default, it is 392.
    Lower Right X Sets value for the X coordinate of the lower-right corner of the viewfinder window. By default, it is 640.
    Lower Right Y Sets value for the Y coordinate of the lower-right corner of the viewfinder window. By default, it is 400.
    UDI Data Format UDI Data Format Switch Allows to set formatting of UDI (Unique Device Identifier) data. There are 3 options:
    • Disable
    • Tokens Only
    • Field Of View
    • Picklist Mode
    Token Format Sets the format for each data segment (token) in the UDI. The available formats are:
    • String
    • XML
    • JSON
    Token Separator Sets the character used to separate different parts (tokens) of the UDI data. There are 4 options:
    • None
    • Carriage Return
    • Line Feed
    • Tab
    UDI Date Enable/disable the date format used in the UDI data.
    Resolve UDI Types Allows you to identify UDI types. The available types are:
    • GS1
    • HIBCC
    • ICCBBA
    • MA
    • AHM
    Basic Data Format Barcode Identifier Allows to identify the barcode. The options available are:
    • Code ID Type None
    • Code ID Type Aim
    • Code ID Type Symbol
    Application Identifier If enabled, the scanner will recognize the Application Identifiers (AI) in the barcode.
    Application ID Separator Specifies separator between different Application Identifiers. By default, it is ().
    Special Characters Gs CodeSet If enabled, the scanner will recognize the Gs (Group Separator) character in the barcode data.
    Additional Formatting The options available are:
    • None
    • Prefix
    • Suffix
    • Prefix and Suffix
    • Format
    • Replace
    • Replace, Prefix and Suffix
    Prefix Special characters Used to simulate keyboard actions like backspace, new line, enter, or tabbing. The options are:
    • None
    • [BS]
    • [LF]
    • [CR]
    • [HT]
    Custom characters Allows you to set specific characters or symbols.
    Prefix Special characters Used to simulate keyboard actions like backspace, new line, enter, or tabbing. The options are:
    • None
    • [BS]
    • [LF]
    • [CR]
    • [HT]
    Custom characters Allows you to set specific characters or symbols.
    Format Specifies the exact sequence of suffixes.
    Replace Original Char Specify the character in the scanned data you want to replace.
    Replace Char Specifies the new character that will replace the original character.
    Hexadecimal If enabled, the scanner identifies Original Char and Replace Char using their hexadecimal ASCII values.
    Control Char Specifies actions related to control characters (non-printable characters). The actions are:
    • None
    • Delete non-printing control character
    • Control character transmission
    Barcode Settings Aztec Disabled by default.
    Chinese 25 Enabled by default.
    Codabar Disabled by default.
    Code 11 Enabled by default.
    Code 128 Enabled by default.
    Code 39 Enabled by default.
    Code 93 Disabled by default.
    Composite Disabled by default.
    Discrete 2 of 5 Disabled by default.
    Datamatrix Enabled by default.
    DotCode Disabled by default.
    EAN-13 Enabled by default.
    EAN-8 Enabled by default.
    GS1 DataBar Family Disabled by default.
    Grid Matrix Disabled by default.
    Han Xin Disabled by default.
    Interleaved 2 of 5 Enabled by default.
    Matrix 2 of 5 Disabled by default.
    Maxi Code Enabled by default.
    MicroPDF417 Disabled by default.
    MSI Disabled by default.
    PDF417 Enabled by default.
    QR Code Enabled by default.
    Trioptic Disabled by default.
    UPC-A Enabled by default.
    UPC-E Disabled by default.
    UPC-E1 Disabled by default.
    Postal Codes Disabled by default.
    UPC/EAN Extensions Disabled by default.
    DPM Decoding Disabled by default.
    OCR Scan OCR Decode Mode Specifies how the scanner processes the Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The options available are:
    • Off
    • Normal Video
    • Inverse
    • Both
    OCR Template Allows the scanner to use a predefined template to recognize specific text format from the scanned image using OCR. The available templates are:
    • User defined
    • Passport
    • ISBN
    • Pricefield
    • MicrE-13 B
    OCR Foundation Template OCR Typeface Template Allows users to choose OCR Typeface templates. The available templates are:
    • OCR-A
    • OCR-B
    • Both A&B
    • MICR
    • SEMI
    OCR Character Type Sets which type of characters the scanner should recognize during OCR. The options are:
    • Numeric
    • Alpha
    • Alphanumeric
    • Any (Including space)
    OCR Barcode Length (1-50) Specify the length of the barcode. The default value is 6.
    OCR Custom Template Allows you to define a specific format for the scanner to recognize during OCR.
    Feature Set Inter character delay Allows you to set a delay between each character sent by the scanner.
    Enter key delay Allows you to set a time for the scanner to wait before sending an Enter key.

    System Feature Set Configuration
    Settings Description
    Action Allows you to configure feature set settings.
    Status Bar Dropdown Enable/Disable the status bar drop-down function. After disabling, the function of the status bar cannot be modified. Enabled by default.
    Back Enabled to make the left key active and functional.
    Home Enabled to make the middle key active and functional.
    Menu Enabled to make the right key active and functional.
    Navigation Bar After hiding the navigation bar, swipe up the bottom of the screen to call up the navigation bar.
    Input Method Enable/Disable IME pop up automatically for data entry by the user.
    Pass Scan Key Code To ApplicationIf enabled, pass the scan key code to the application.
    Automatic Call Recording If enabled, all calls are automatically recorded and saved to local sdcard/EnterpriseDesktop/record.
    Three Finger Screenshots To enable/disable the three-finger screenshots.
    Screen Pinning If enabled, you can see screen pinning to keep the current screen in view until you unpin (Power+Volume up).
    Screen Pinning Timeout Allows you to set the lock screen time.
    Camera Turning it off will disable the camera.
    GPS Turning it off will disable the GPS.
    BlueTooth Turning it off will disable Bluetooth.
    Power Key Turning it off will disable the Power Key.
    Volume Key Turning it off will disable the Volume Key.
    Vibration mode setting Disable or enable the vibration mode setting. The vibration mode cannot be set with the volume up + power key combination when blocked.
    User/Guest Sets whether to allow or disable adding users.
    Screen lock Turns the screen lock on or off.
    External mounted memory Sets whether external mounted memory is disabled.
    USB OTG Sets whether mounting USB OTG is disabled.
    Airplane mode Sets whether airplane mode is disabled.
    Category Configuration Description
    IME Activates Permanently Prohibit If enabled, it permanently prohibits soft keyboard popping up.
    Suspension Button Click the button for prohibition and non-prohibition switching.
    Physical Button If enabled, it turns on switch prohibition and non-prohibition by long press on FN, with full screen mode disable.
    Default Launcher Choice Default Launcher Allows you to select the app to be used as the default launcher. The available default launchers are:
    • com.urovo.enterprisemodeldesktop
    Input Default Launcher Allows you to manually type in the package name of the launcher app you want to set as the default.
    USB USB Turning off will disable the USB.
    USB Mode Allows you to choose the USB mode. The modes are:
    • File Transfer
    • MIDI
    • PTP
    • NO Data Transfer
    ADB Turning off will disable ADM (Android Device Management).

    APN Configuration
    Settings Description
    Action Allows you to configure APN settings.
    Category Configuration Description
    Add APN Name Add the name of the APN.
    APN Set the actual APN address provided by your carrier.
    Proxy Set an optional server address.
    Port Enter the port number used with the proxy.
    Username Enter the username provided by your carrier for authentication.
    Password Enter the password for the username.
    Server Enter the server address.
    MMSC Enter the server address used for sending MMS (picture messages).
    MMS Proxy Enter a proxy address used for MMS traffic.
    MMS Port Enter the port number for the MMS proxy.
    MCC Enter the 3-digit Mobile Country Code representing your country.
    MNC Enter the 2- or 3-digit Mobile Network Code representing your specific mobile network.
    Authentication Type Choose the type of authentication:
    • None
    • PAP
    • CHAP
    • PAP/CHAP
    APN Type Enter the type of APN such as the default for internet, MMS for multimedia messaging, or supl for GPS services.
    APN Protocol Choose the protocol used for data connection:
    • IPv4
    • IPv6
    • IPv4/IPv6
    APN Roaming Protocol Choose the APN protocol used while roaming:
    • IPv4
    • IPv6
    • IPv4/IPv6
    Bearer Enter a value to define the type of network connection. The default value is 0, which usually means it supports all types.
    Current If enabled, the configured APN is marked as active.
    Delete APN Delete APN Names Allows you to delete APN. Enter the APN display names separated by commas.

    APP Configuration
    Settings Description
    Action Allows you to configure app settings.
    Installs app Enter URLs that can download apk directly, separated by commas. The device downloads and installs the app.
    Uninstalled application Enter the package name of the application to be uninstalled.
    Set default launcher Enter the package name that is set as default launcher.
    Unknown source app Allow installation of unknown (non-market path) app.
    Verify apps over USB If enabled, the device scans the apps installed through USB.
    Initialize app status Initialize app status. All disabled app is enabled.
    Disabled app list Enter the package name, distinguished by comma, to be disabled. Disabled apps are not visible in the Launcher and cannot be used.
    Enabled app list Enter the package name, distinguished by commas, to enable it. Enabled apps are visible in the launcher and can be used.

    File Configuration
    Settings Description
    File Actions Allows you to configure file settings.
    File name Specifies information for the file to be downloaded.
    File download url Sets the source URL of a file to be downloaded.
    File store path Sets the destination file path where the downloaded file will be stored.

    Kiosk Configuration
    Settings Description
    Kiosk Configuration Action Select the option required to configure the kiosk settings. The available options are:
    • None
    • Configure Kiosk Items(enable)
    • Configure Kiosk Items(disable)
    Kiosk PackageName Enter the package name of the app used in kiosk mode.
    Kiosk Exit Password Sets the password to exit kiosk mode.

    Microphone and audio recording Configuration
    Settings Description
    Microphone and audio recording action Allows you to configure microphone and audio recording settings.
    Microphone and audio recording If enabled, it allows microphone and audio recording.
    Microphone and audio recording in the call If enabled, it allows microphone and audio recording in the call.
    List of packages Enter the list of packages excluded from disabling the microphone and audio recording.
    Proximity sensor Set the proximity sensor not to work during a call.

    Log Configuration
    Settings Description
    Log Configuration action Allows you to configure log settings.
    Log state If enabled, it starts the logging process. If disabled, it stops the logging process.
    Main log If enabled, it collects main logs from the system like app activities and system processes.
    Kernel log If enabled, it collects kernel logs like low-level system events and errors.
    Radio log If enabled, it collects logs related to radio communications like cellular network activities, Wi-Fi connections, and Bluetooth events.
    Event log If enabled, it collects event logs like app crashes and system notifications.

    Net Configuration
    Settings Description
    Net Configuration Action Select the option required to configure net configuration settings.
    Ethernet enable If enabled, it activates the Ethernet port. If disabled, it deactivates the Ethernet port.

    Battery Configuration
    Settings Description
    Battery Configuration Action Allows you to configure battery settings.
    Battery percentage Allows you to enable/disable the display of battery percentage on the screen.
    High temperature Sets a threshold temperature value after which the device may give a warning to prevent overheating of the device. The default value is 55.

  8. Click Done after selecting the required configurations.
  9. Associate the policy with the target devices by navigating to the Policy Targets tab.
  10. Select the required Devices/Device Groups/Users/User Groups/Domains to which the policy is to be associated.
  11. Click on Save.


The OEM specific-settings explained in this document are based on the configurations set by the respective OEM vendors, which may vary frequently. Since Hexnode is not solely responsible for setting up these configurations, you may find slight variations in the settings displayed on the portal from this document.

  • Managing 'Android Enterprise' Devices