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Set up device lookup values

Hexnode lets you define device attributes such as Department name, Asset tag and Device notes for each device. You can also pass these values as wildcards. Wildcard stands for ‘wild character’ which refers to a symbol used for replacing or representing one or more characters.

Wildcard Substitution
%department% Displays the department name associated with the device.
%assettag% The unique identification number or code associated with the device.
%devicenotes% Any custom note that you have defined for the device.

While configuring web apps, for specific websites, device information can be passed along with the URL on to Android and iOS/iPadOS devices with the help of wildcards.


View the complete list of wildcards here.

How to assign values to device attributes?

In order to assign custom attributes to the device,

  1. From the Manage tab, choose the required device.
  2. Click on Device Info.
  3. Under Device Info, you will find options for Department, Asset tag and Device notes. Click on the edit icon to assign value to the corresponding attribute.

It is also possible to display these custom attributes in the Manage tab for easy categorization of devices. Under Devices in Manage tab, click on the edit icon near the table header to choose the custom attributes to be displayed.

  • Configurations