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Start Live Terminal on Linux devices from Hexnode

The terminal is a text-based application that operates through commands, offering a command-line interface (CLI) to manage and execute tasks on systems. It allows users to execute commands and modify system characteristics directly.

Hexnode UEM enables remote access to a device’s terminal, even on Linux. With the linux live terminal feature, you can interact with the terminals of all connected devices, executing commands in real-time. The live terminal offers the familiar Linux terminal interface with instant command responses for a device but remotely from the Hexnode UEM console.


  • This feature is supported on Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu distros in Linux.
  • In case if the device has a Web content filtering policy associated, ensure that https://* is also added in the allowlisted websites.

Configure Live Terminal

To enable live terminal on Linux devices,

  1. Login to your Hexnode UEM portal.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Devices and select your Linux device.
  3. Navigate to the Device Summary sub-tab.
  4. Linux device summary page where Live Terminal option is shown.

  5. Click on the Start SSH Session button under Live Terminal to enable the live terminal session.
  6. Live Terminal session enabled on the Linux Device Summary page


Hexnode UEM does not take responsibility for any issues that may arise from running commands with root access.

  • Managing Linux devices