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How to set wallpaper on Windows devices

Wallpaper customization is a powerful feature at the disposal of organizations to maintain consistency and coherence across devices, helping to build a brand identity. This feature is especially beneficial due to its remote deployment capabilities, which allow you to choose a customized image and then configure the look/feel of the wallpaper. With Hexnode UEM, you can easily customize home screen and lock screen wallpapers on Windows devices in your workplace to align with your organization’s preferences.

Setting wallpaper on Windows devices

  1. Log in to the Hexnode portal.
  2. Go to Policies > New Policy. Assign a name and description (optional) for the policy. You can also choose to continue with an existing policy.
  3. Go to Windows > Configurations > Wallpaper. Click on Configure.
  4. Configure the settings to set the wallpaper for the devices.

You can customize configurations for two kinds of wallpapers:

  1. Desktop wallpaper: By checking this option you can configure the desktop wallpaper settings for the device.
  2. Lock screen wallpaper: By checking this option you can configure the lock screen wallpaper settings for the device

The following settings are available for configuring the wallpaper settings on Windows devices,

Setting Description
Desktop wallpaper Check this option to configure the desktop wallpaper.
Lock screen wallpaper Check this option to configure the lock-screen wallpaper.
Wallpaper type Choose the wallpaper type. There are two options available—Image, and Solid colour.
Choose colour For ‘Solid colour’ wallpaper type, select the colour for the wallpaper.
Image source For ‘Image’ wallpaper type, choose the image source. There are three options available,
  1. Hexnode repository: Choose an image file from the Hexnode repository by following the steps,
    • Click on Add image to choose an image from the repository. You can also upload an image directly from the device by clicking on Choose file to add the image, followed by the Upload button. Then, click on Add.
    • Check the Set image as both Home Screen and Lock Screen wallpaper option to set the selected image as the home screen and lock screen wallpaper.
  2. Select from device: Select an image from the user’s device by specifying its file path. For eg: C:\Users\hexnode\Desktop\Images\Picture.jpg.
  3. Web URL: Select an image by providing its download web URL.
Choose a fit for the image Select a fit for the image. The options available are—Fill, Stretch, Tile, Centre, Span.
Prevent users from changing the wallpaper
(Desktop Wallpaper)
Check this option to prevent users from changing the wallpaper from the device-end.
Show device details on the wallpaper Check this option to display the device details on the wallpaper. You can customize the details using the following options:
  • Fields to be included : Add the device detail fields to be shown such as Device name, Processor name, Last checked-in etc.
  • Font : Choose the font.
  • Font Size : Choose the font size.
  • Position : Select the location where the details should be displayed. The available options are Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, and Bottom Right.

Associate the policy with target entities

If you haven’t saved the policy,

  1. Navigate to Policy Targets.
  2. Select the required Devices, Users, Device Groups, User Groups or Domains.
  3. Click on Save.

If you have already saved the policy,

  1. Navigate to Policies > My Policies and select the required policy.
  2. Click on Manage > Associate Targets.
  3. Select the required Devices, Users, Device Groups, User Groups or Domains.
  4. Click on Associate.

What happens at the device end?

After the policy is applied, the desktop image on the device updates according to the wallpaper settings defined in the policy.

  • Managing Windows Devices