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How to retrieve Hexnode App Logs from iOS devices?

Learn how to retrieve app logs from iOS devices for the Hexnode UEM app.

App logs are essential records that capture the activities and events occurring within an application. These logs provide valuable insights into the performance, behavior, and errors encountered by the application during its operation.

Retrieving Hexnode App Logs from iOS devices is essential for administrators to gain insight into the Hexnode UEM app’s behavior, diagnose issues, and ensure optimal performance. Through the Hexnode App Logs action in Hexnode UEM, administrators can request logs from devices. Alternatively, users can directly send app logs to the Hexnode UEM portal using the Hexnode UEM app. After the logs are accessible in the portal, administrators can download them for deeper analysis. To configure logging levels and retention periods for iOS device app logs, administrators can utilize the Hexnode App Logs policy from the Hexnode console.


This feature is only available in the latest version of the Hexnode UEM app.

Configure Hexnode UEM app log settings for iOS devices

You can set up the log settings for the Hexnode UEM app on iOS devices using two methods and you’ll have the following options to be configured:

  • Logging Level: Logging levels determine the type and importance of logging output generated by an application, in this case, the Hexnode UEM app. They help categorize log messages based on their severity and significance. You can set the log level to one of four different levels:
    1. VERBOSE: This is the highest logging level, providing detailed and exhaustive log information. It includes extensive diagnostic information, making it useful for in-depth troubleshooting and understanding the application’s behavior in fine detail. This is the default level used by Hexnode UEM.
    2. INFO: This standard logging level contains significant information that is easily comprehended by users and administrators.
    3. WARNING: This level provides information about potential problems and indicates if something unexpected has occurred.
    4. ERROR: This level records error events, such as issues that prevent one or more processes from running correctly.
  • Retain Logs For: Set a duration for retaining app logs on iOS devices. You can choose from the following options: 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, or 2 weeks. The default retention period is set to 1 week.

From the Policies tab:

  1. Log in to your Hexnode UEM portal.
  2. Navigate to Policies > New Policy. Assign a suitable name and description (optional) for the policy. You can also choose to continue with an existing policy.
  3. Under iOS > Troubleshooting, select Hexnode App Logs.
  4. Click on Configure.
  5. Specify the configurations.
  6. Proceed to Policy Targets and select Devices, Device Groups, Users, User Groups, or Domains.
  7. Click Save.

From the Admin tab:

To configures the Hexnode UEM app log settings for iOS devices globally:

  1. Log in to your Hexnode UEM portal.
  2. Navigate to the Admin tab.
  3. Under General Settings, select Hexnode App Logs.
  4. Set the logging level and log retention period for iOS devices.
  5. Click Save.


The Hexnode App Logs settings configured through Policies take precedence over the settings under Admin > General Settings > Hexnode App Logs.

Request Hexnode UEM app logs from the Hexnode UEM portal

To obtain Hexnode App logs directly from the Hexnode UEM console, administrators can use the Hexnode App Logs remote action.

  1. Log in to the Hexnode UEM console.
  2. Navigate to the Manage tab.
  3. Select the device.
  4. Go to Actions > Hexnode App Logs.
  5. Click on the Request button.

Administrators can view the Hexnode app logs for a device from the Logs tab of the Device Summary page. This tab shows the logs the device has shared as requested by the administrator, and any logs the user has manually sent. To download a log, the administrator can click the Download button next to the corresponding log entry, which will save the log as a ZIP file on their device.

Retrieve app logs from iOS devices using Hexnode UEM

Sending app logs from the device

In addition to requesting app logs from the portal, users can send logs directly using the Hexnode UEM app.

  1. Open the Hexnode UEM app.
  2. Click on the triple bar symbol at the top-right corner.
  3. Select App Logs under More.
  4. Click on the SEND APP LOGS button.

Downloading app logs to the device

Users can also download Hexnode app logs directly from the Hexnode UEM app.

  1. Open the Hexnode UEM app.
  2. Click on the triple bar symbol at the top-right corner.
  3. Select App Logs under More.
  4. Click on Download App Logs button. The logs will be downloaded as ZIP files, and users can choose the destination where they want to save the file.
  • Remote Actions