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Configuration profile to customize Dock settings on Mac

As an IT admin, you might want to manage Dock settings on Mac computers in different ways. The settings may vary from configuring a consistent position of the Dock across all devices within the organization to customizing how an app window should appear or the effects of an app window when the user minimizes them. The configuration profile described in this document will help you set up various dock settings for a Mac. The configuration profile can be deployed using Hexnode’s Deploy Custom Configuration feature.


The sample configuration profiles provided below are created using various profile creator applications.

Managing Dock settings on Mac

The keys mentioned in this profile are explained in the table below. You can use them to customize various Dock settings on Mac.

Keys Explanations
autohide This key specifies whether the Dock should automatically hide when it is not in use. It can have either of the two values:

<true/>: Indicates that the Dock is set to automatically hide when not in use.

<false/>: Indicates that the Dock is not set to automatically hide and will always remain visible.

launchanim This key determines whether launch animations for applications are enabled or disabled. Genie Effect is chosen by default.

<true/>: Indicates that the launch animations are turned on. This allows applications to open with visual effects.

<false/>: Indicates that the launch animations are turned off. This allows applications to open without visual effects.

launchanim-immutable This key locks the Animate opening applications setting.

<true/>: Indicates that the Animate opening applications setting is immutable and cannot be changed by the user.

<false/>: Indicates that the Animate opening applications setting is mutable, allowing the user to change it if desired.

magnify-immutable These key locks the magnification setting.

<true/>: Indicates that the magnification setting is immutable and cannot be changed by the user.

<false/>: Indicates that the magnification setting is mutable, allowing the user to change if desired.

magsize-immutable This key is used to lock the magnification slider.

<true/>: Indicates that the magnification slider is immutable, preventing users from changing this setting.

<false/>:Indicates that the magnification slider is mutable, allowing users to adjust this setting if desired.

minimize-to-application This key is used to specify whether windows are minimized to the application icon in the Dock or appear as individual icons when minimized.
orientation This key specifies the orientation of the Dock, determining where it is positioned on the screen.

<string>bottom</string>: Indicates that the Dock is positioned at the bottom of the screen.

<string>left</string>: Indicates that the Dock is positioned on the left side of the screen.

<string>right</string>: Indicates that the Dock is positioned on the right side of the screen.

<string>top</string>: Indicates that the Dock is positioned at the top of the screen.

position-immutable This key is used to specify whether the position of the Dock setting is immutable.

<true/>: Indicates that the position of the Dock setting is immutable, preventing users from changing its position.

<false/>: Indicates that the position of the Dock setting is mutable, allowing users to adjust its position if desired.


  • To create and customize configuration profiles, you can use tools like Apple Configurator, Profile Manager or manually create them using text editors.
  • Use non-encrypted .mobileconfig, .xml, or plist files to deploy profiles across devices.
  • Ensure that you do not associate conflicting configurations with the devices.
  • Use wildcards to fetch key values from the portal.
  • It is recommended to manually validate the configuration profile on a system before executing it in bulk.
  • Hexnode will not be responsible for any damage/loss to the system on the behavior of the configuration profile.

What happens on the device end?

The Dock settings on Mac will change based on the configurations specified in the profile.

Dock settings customized on Mac using a configuration profile

  • Configuration Profile Repository