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Configuration profile to configure iOS Email settings

Setting up email on managed devices is pivotal in maximizing organizational connectivity and productivity. Email serves as a central hub for communication, collaboration, and coordination within the organization. While there are various ways to configure email accounts for employees, this document discusses how administrators can use a custom profile to deploy email account configurations on iOS devices. IT administrators can deploy the configuration profile for iOS email settings using Hexnode’s Deploy Custom Configuration feature.


This configuration profile is supported on devices running iOS 4.0 or later.


The configuration profile provided below is adapted from a third-party open-source site.

Configuration profile to configure Email account

The below table shows each key that is used in the profile and its use:

Key Description
EmailAccountDescription Enter the description for the email account settings and configuration, displayed in the Mail and Settings apps.
EmailAccountName Enter the username of the email account that is shown in sent messages.
EmailAccountType Enter the email protocol that is used for the account. You can enter either of these protocols based on the preference EmailTypeIMAP or EmailTypePOP.
EmailAddress Enter the email address of the account. For example,
IncomingMailServerAuthentication Enter the Incoming Mail server authentication type. You can select one of the following values:
  • EmailAuthNone.
  • EmailAuthPassword.
  • EmailAuthCRAMMD5.
  • EmailAuthNTLM.
  • EmailAuthHTTPMD5.
IncomingMailServerHostName Enter the hostname of the incoming mail server for your email account, such as ‘’ for a Gmail account using IMAP.
IncomingMailServerPortNumber Enter the port number used for the incoming mail server, which identifies a specific communication channel on the server. For example, the default port number for IMAP over SSL/TLS is 993.
IncomingMailServerUseSSL When set to “true”, this key enables SSL encryption for the incoming mail server connection. When set to “false”, the connection is unencrypted.
IncomingMailServerUsername Enter the username used to authenticate with the incoming mail server for the email account.
IncomingPassword Enter the password for the Incoming mail account.
OutgoingMailServerAuthentication Enter the Outgoing Mail server authentication type. You can select one of the following values:
  • EmailAuthNone.
  • EmailAuthPassword.
  • EmailAuthCRAMMD5.
  • EmailAuthNTLM.
  • EmailAuthHTTPMD5.
OutgoingMailServerHostName Enter the hostname of the outgoing mail server for your email account, such as ‘’ for a Gmail account using IMAP.
OutgoingMailServerPortNumber Specify the port number used to connect to the outgoing mail server for sending email messages from your email account.
OutgoingMailServerUseSSL Enter the username used to authenticate with the outgoing mail server for the email account.
OutgoingMailServerUsername Enter the username used to authenticate with the outgoing mail server for the email account.
OutgoingPassword Enter the password for the outgoing mail account.
OutgoingPasswordSameAsIncomingPassword When set “true” the outgoing mail uses the same password as the incoming mail. If the value is set to “false” outgoing mail uses the password that was set for it.

What happens at the device end?

After associating the configuration profile policy on the device, the configured Email account will be added to the device. The Email account will be added to the iOS device under Settings > Mail > Accounts. Click on the account that you have configured.

Add email accounts to iOS devices using a configuration profile for email settings


  • To create and customize configuration profiles, you can use tools like Apple Configurator, Profile Manager or manually create them using text editors.
  • Use non-encrypted .mobileconfig, .xml, or plist files to deploy profiles across macOS devices.
  • Ensure that you do not associate conflicting configurations with the devices.
  • Use wildcards to fetch key values from the portal.
  • It is recommended to manually validate the configuration profile execution on a system before executing the action in bulk.
  • Hexnode will not be responsible for any damage/loss to the system on the behavior of the configuration profile.

See also

Configure Email on iOS devices from Hexnode UEM

  • Configuration Profile Repository