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Configuration profile for macOS Accessibility settings

This document helps you customize macOS Accessibility settings using a configuration profile.

Apple’s macOS devices come equipped with a range of Accessibility settings, thoughtfully designed to enhance the computing experience for individuals with vision, hearing, mobility, and speech disabilities. These settings are organized into different categories such as Zoom, Display, Pointer Control, and more, enabling users to customize the settings according to their specific needs.

For example, within the Pointer Control Accessibility settings, you can turn on Mouse Keys or perform other customizations that make mouse and trackpad easier to use. These options enable users to use a keyboard or a numeric keypad to control the mouse pointer or perform clicks. In cases where IT administrators need to configure Accessibility settings for employees with specific needs, the custom configuration profile described here can be used. By using Hexnode’s Deploy Custom Configuration feature, custom profiles can be deployed to macOS devices seamlessly.


The sample configuration profiles provided below are created using various profile creator applications.

Configure Accessibility settings on Mac

The below table shows each key that is used in the profile and its use:

Keys Description
closeViewFarPoint Specify the maximum zoom level within the range of 0 to 40.
closeViewHotkeysEnabled Set the value to ‘true’ to enable the use of keyboard shortcuts for zooming on macOS devices. The available keyboard shortcuts for zooming are:
  • Toggle zoom: Command + Option + 8
  • Zoom in: Command + Option + =
  • Zoom out: Command + Option + –
closeViewNearPoint Specify the minimum zoom level within the range of 0 to 40.
closeViewScrollWheelToggle Set the value to ‘true’ to enable the use of scroll gestures with modifier keys, such as the Control, Command, or Option keys, for zooming in and out.
closeViewShowPreview Set the value to ‘true’ to display a rectangle on the screen that shows the center point of the zoom.

This key only works on devices running macOS 10.9 thru macOS 10.15.

closeViewSmoothImages Set the value to ‘true’ to make zoomed screen images appear smooth.
contrast Adjust the display contrast within the range of 0 to 1.
flashScreen Set the value to ‘true’ to make your screen flash when you receive an alert.
grayscale Set the value to ‘true’ to adjust display colors to grayscale.
mouseDriver Set the value to ‘true’ to enable Mouse Keys, allowing the pointer to be controlled using keyboard keys or the number pad.
mouseDriverCursorSize Adjust the mouse pointer size within the range of 1 to 4.
mouseDriverIgnoreTrackpad Set the value to ‘true’ to disable the built-in trackpad on Mac.
mouseDriverInitialDelay Adjust the speed at which the pointer starts moving when you press a key.
mouseDriverMaxSpeed Specify the maximum speed at which the pointer moves within the range of 1 to 32.
slowKey Set the value to ‘true’ to enable Slow Keys, which adjusts the delay between when a key is pressed and when it’s activated.
slowKeyBeepOn Set the value to ‘true’ to have keys make a sound when pressed. One sound will play when you press a key, and a different sound will play when the key press is accepted.
slowKeyDelay Adjust the delay between pressing a key and its acceptance.
stereoAsMono Set the value to ‘true’ to play stereo audio tracks as mono audio in both the left and right speakers or headphones.
stickyKey Set the value to ‘true’ to enable Sticky Keys, which allows users to press one key at a time in sequence instead of all at once.
stickyKeyBeepOnModifier Set the value to ‘true’ to make a sound on a Mac when a modifier key is pressed.
stickyKeyShowWindow Set the value to ‘true’ to display symbols indicating the pressed modifier keys.
voiceOverOnOffKey Set the value to ‘true’ to enable VoiceOver.
whiteOnBlack Set the value to ‘true’ to invert colors on the display.

What happens at the device end?

Upon deployment of the configuration profile, the Accessibility settings on the Mac will be configured according to the specifications in the profile. For instance, let’s consider the following two keys:

CloseViewHotkeysEnabled: This key is configured to ‘true‘ in the provided configuration profile. Once the profile is deployed, it enables the use of keyboard shortcuts for zooming on macOS devices. Consequently, the ‘Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom‘ option will be enabled and greyed out in System Settings/ System Preference > Accessibility > Zoom.

CloseViewScrollWheelToggle: Similarly, this key is configured to ‘true‘ in the configuration profile, enabling the use of scroll gestures in conjunction with modifier keys (such as Control, Command, or Option) for zooming in and out. Following deployment of the profile, the ‘Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom‘ and ‘Modifier key for scroll gesture‘ options will be enabled and greyed out in System Settings/ System Preference > Accessibility > Zoom.

Customized macOS Accessibility settings for Zoom with a config profile


  • To create and customize configuration profiles, you can use tools like Apple Configurator, Profile Manager or manually create them using text editors.
  • Use non-encrypted .mobileconfig, .xml, or plist files to deploy profiles across macOS devices.
  • Ensure that you do not associate conflicting configurations with the devices.
  • Use wildcards to fetch key values from the portal.
  • It is recommended to manually validate the configuration profile execution on a system before executing the action in bulk.
  • Hexnode will not be responsible for any damage/loss to the system on the behavior of the configuration profile.

  • Configuration Profile Repository