Why are my software installations re-installing themselves?Solved

1 year ago

I’ve noticed that when I create and apply a policy to install software – in this case, Office 365 for macOS or Zoom for a Windows device – that the job to install it keeps running.

My macOS computer has Office 365 installed and up to date, but at 4:00 am on 2024-Jan-13 and then 1:11 am on 2024-JAN-20 it re-installed and was successful.

For my test PC, I have a Zoom installer – it ran 10:47 am on 2023-NOV-6, and then again at 2:32 pm 2023-DEC-15. I’ve since updated it, but I’ve also noticed that when I remove a policy, it tends to try to uninstall the software – which isn’t exactly what I was going for.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
1 year ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @adam-gerstein, welcome to Hexnode Connect!

The Required Apps policy, once deployed to devices, conducts regular checks to ensure that the apps are in their most updated versions. If an update is found for any of the apps, the Install Application action will be automatically initiated.

On macOS devices, the removal of the policy will result in the uninstallation of the apps deployed via the Required Apps policy. On Windows devices, you can disable the Remove apps from the device on policy removal option under Required Apps to prevent the same.

Hope your query has been resolved. Please feel free to reach out in case of any further questions.

Best regards,
Chloe Edison
Hexnode UEM
