Unable to install MSI app on Windows devicesSolved

1 week ago


My Windows devices are enrolled in Hexnode and are co-managed with Intune. However, I’m unable to install applications on these devices using the Install Application remote action.

The installation appears to be successful, but when I try to open the app, only a shortcut is created. Clicking on the shortcut gives an error:

“The item referred to by this shortcut cannot be accessed. You may not have the appropriate permissions”

The application I deployed is Accurx in MSI format. However, when I tried installing another MSI app, it worked fine without any errors.

Is there a workaround to resolve this issue?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 days ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @isaiah!

Thanks for reaching out!

We checked this on our end and found that Accurx comes with two different MSI installers:

  1. accurx.updater.local.installer.msi – Installs the app at the user level.
  2. accurx.updater.machine.installer.msi -Installs the app at the system level.

Hexnode currently allows application installation only at the system level on Windows devices. If you deploy accurx.updater.local.installer.msi, the app installs under the Users directory, making its files inaccessible to users due to permission restrictions. This is why the app doesn’t open despite the shortcut being created.

To resolve this, try installing accurx.updater.machine.installer.msi instead. This version installs the app for all users on the device, placing the files in the Program Files directory, ensuring accessibility for all users.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Best Reagrds
Ben Clarke
Hexnode UEM
