tvOS Kiosk & Shortcut for PDF Files in AndroidSolved

Hexnode Expert
6 years ago

Single App Kiosk for tvOS

Now it’s easier to lock down your Apple TV onto a single app using Hexnode MDM’s tvOS Single App Kiosk mode.

With this you can now add enterprise apps onto kiosk mode, provided your Apple TV is supervised.

Here is how it can be configured!

  • Login to your Hexnode MDM portal.
  • Navigate to Policies > Kiosk Settings > tvOS Kiosk Mode > Single App Kiosk, and click on Configure.

Excited to know how this can be done! Check out tvOS Single App Kiosk.

Shortcut for PDF Files in Android Kiosk

Now you can create Shortcuts for PDF files for Android devices locked in kiosk mode.

A shortcut for PDF files has been added which allows you to open the PDF files in kiosk using any of the whitelisted PDF readers/default Hexnode MDM PDF reader.

Check out Shortcut for PDF Files to know more on this!

Michelle Hendricks
Hexnode MDM

Replies (2)

Marked SolutionPending Review
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Can video files be added like the above PDF?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

Yes, it can be. You will have to create a shortcut for the video file, add it to the kiosk policy and associate the policy with the device. If the video is not present on the target device, it has to be uploaded under Admin-> File Management before the creation of the shortcut.
Please follow the below steps for shortcut creation:

  1. Navigate to Apps-> File Shortcuts and click on Create File Shortcut.
  2. Choose Video as the type of shortcut. Enter the display name. You will have the option to either choose the file from the Hexnode repository or device storage.
  3. Upload the image to be displayed as the video shortcut icon.
  4. Choose the app to play the video. The Hexnode Media Player will be listed by default.
  5. Click Create.

The video shortcut is now created. Please navigate to Policies-> Kiosk Lockdown-> Android Kiosk Lockdown-> Single App/Multi App, click on the ‘+’ icon and add the created shortcut. Associate targets and save the policy. The device will now get locked down to kiosk mode with the video in it.

For more info, check out our help doc on adding video shortcuts to Android devices in kiosk mode.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
