Turn off Apple News on iOS?Solved

1 year ago

I’m using a Whitelist policy for a compan iPad that serves a narrow purpose. It only has a few apps on it. Recently, after I did something(?) Apple News is now on the first app screen and all the whitelisted apps are on the 2nd screen requiring a swipe to get to those apps (all excepty, clock, settings and the camera – all the system apps).

1. How can I remove Apple News?

2. Can I, via my policy, not by user action on each device, get the apps on the first screen so a swipe isn’t required?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
1 year ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @ScottP, welcome to Hexnode Connect!

When the Whitelist policy is applied on your devices, only the apps included in the policy will be available, with Settings and Phone being the only non-removable apps. If you wish to remove Apple News from the device, please check your Whitelist policy and exclude Apple News from the list of whitelisted apps.

For your second question, you can utilize the Home Screen Layout policy to customize the arrangement of apps on your home screen. This allows you to place all necessary apps conveniently on the first page or across any page of the home screen.

I hope this helps with your query, please reach out to us in case of any further questions.

Best regards,
Chloe Edison
Hexnode UEM
