Time needed to push a policySolved

2 years ago


I wanted to deploy a policy for MacBooks with certain requirements:

  1. Slack to be pushed as a mandatory app.
  2. Enforce a passcode rule with ‘Minimum Passcode Length’ set to 6 characters and ‘Grace period for device lock’ set to 5 minutes.

How long will it take for the policy to take effect?


Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
2 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @Gael, Thanks for posting.

The time taken for policy deployment depends on the quality of the connection and configurations added to the payload, i.e., the network speed of the endpoints and the size of the applications pushed to the device. Assuming these conditions are satisfactorily met, your policy will probably take effect in under two minutes.

Hope we’ve given you a satisfying solution. Feel free to reach out for further queries.

Julian Refn
Hexnode UEM
