The APK file resolved has a different identifier. Try Add Apps to add a new app.Solved

4 years ago


I’ve been trying to upload the update of one of my enterprise apps to hexnode for some time now. I am getting this error message “The APK file resolved has a different identifier. Try Add Apps to add a new app.

I have check some of the threads here and found this

The use case is similar to mine, but I have checked the version code and the version number of my apps (current one and the upgrade), it doesn’t seem to have that problem. Can anyone please advise me on what to do next?

Replies (2)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @rebecca,

Thanks for reaching out to us with your query!

When you are updating an enterprise app previously added in the Hexnode app inventory, there are a few things that you should note.

  • The new version of the app should have a higher version code and version number than the previous.
  • Both the apps should have the same package name and app identifier.

In your case, it might probably be an issue with the app identifier, as the error message states. That is, the app identifier of the higher version doesn’t match that of the current version.

One of the easiest methods to check the identifier of your APK file is through the Apps tab in Hexnode. You can view the identifier of the app added in the app inventory by clicking on the respective app name in the Apps tab.
Android APK identifier

If the app is installed on any of your enrolled devices, you can also check the identifier by going to Manage > Devices > choose the device > Applications. Search for the app name; the app identifier will be displayed under the column Identifier.
Hexnode app identifier from MDM
Please try re-uploading after making the necessary changes in the APK file.

Hope this helps.
Nora Lang
Hexnode UEM

Marked SolutionPending Review
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

That was indeed the case, thanks for the help.
