taskbar for windows kioskSolved

3 years ago

I’m an avid user of windows devices and its kiosk mode, which I have found to be really useful. we use the start menu to navigate to the required apps but it covers the whole display. Can we also have a taskbar so that all apps are easily accessible.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
3 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @colten,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Customizing the Taskbar for Windows devices in kiosk lockdown can be achieved by adding a few simple commands to the Start menu layout XML file. To download the Start menu layout XML file, open the PowerShell app on your Windows device and type in the following command.

Export-StartLayout –path <path><filename>.xml

This will produce an XML file on your device containing only the Start menu layout commands. To configure the Taskbar layout, copy and paste the given set of commands above the </LayoutModificationTemplate> tag in the XML file.

Add your required applications to the taskbar by replacing <Application link path> with the required application link paths. Then, while configuring the multi-app kiosk for Windows devices, upload this XML file as the Start menu file.

Hope this helps your query.

Johan Blake
Hexnode UEM
