Streamline Hexnode Access LoginSolved

6 months ago

As an admin user, I’d like Hexnode Access to streamline the number of login authentications when logging into a device.


When using Hexnode Access currently, a user has to authenticate multiple times to get into their workstation. On macOS with FileVault enabled, it’s three times: drive decryption login, local user login, Google/M365 login. This is a LOT of authenticating, and slows users down when getting into their workstations.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @thomasburris ,

Thank you for sharing your concern with us. We truly value your feedback and will make sure it reaches our team.  

Our team is currently working on updating Hexnode Access for macOS and the number of authentications is expected to be addressed in the upcoming release. 

Please keep your suggestions coming; they are important to us. We look forward to seeing you more in our community! 

Best regards,  
Chloe Edison 
Hexnode UEM 
