Sort/View/Search by Wifi SSID Under ‘Manage’Solved

2 years ago


I manage a lot of devices by Wifi SSID and it would be very useful to have this feature added under ‘Manage’. I currently have to go one by one for many devices to find the device by Wifi SSID.


Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
2 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @tony , welcome to Hexnode Community!

We understand how this feature would make things easier for you; we’ll surely take it up with our development team and keep you updated.

In the meanwhile, here’s a work-around that you could try using our Dynamic Device Groups feature. All you’ve got to do is:

  • Navigate to Manage > Device Groups > New Dynamic Group.
  • Provide a group name.
  • Under Choose Condition filters, select Network Info from the Select column group drop-down.
  • Select Wi-Fi SSID from the Select column drop-down.

Configure the remaining settings according to your requirement, and you will have a device group that makes the sorting/viewing/searching of devices by Wi-Fi SSID much easier.

Hope you find this helpful!

Chloe Edison
Hexnode UEM
