Script for fully uninstalling hexnode from macSolved

2 years ago


I have removed the Hexnode profile from the mac settings, and would like to run a script to uninstall Hexnode fully from this MAC.

how can I uninstall fully?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
2 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi there. Thanks for reaching out on Hexnode Connect!

Unfortunately, removing the MDM configuration profile from the device will stop all communications between Hexnode and the device, leaving the Hexnode agent app unable to execute custom scripts on the device.

To completely uninstall Hexnode from your Mac, you must run the Uninstall Hexnode MDM application in /Library/Application Support/HexnodeMDM/Uninstaller/ on the device end.

Chris Wheeler
Hexnode UEM
