Remotely remove saved usernames and passwords from Web ApplicationSolved

7 years ago

Currently, users are able to save username and passwords.

To remove their saved information, an admin has to clear the cache on the device on-site.

Can we develop a solution that allows remote removal of saved information?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey! you can can remotely clear the app data of the browser app, that’ll delete any passwords saved. Do keep in mind that this feature in only available in Samsung SAFE devices, all you gotta do is follow the steps below:

1. Log into your Hexnode MDM console.

2. Click on the Management tab and select the device you want to perform this action.

3. Click on the Applications tab when the device summary is displayed.

4. Identify the browser which you want to clear the saved passwords.

5. Click on the erase icon, situation on the right side of the particular app.

6. You will get a prompt saying “Action Initiation Executed”.

You can check the status of this action by navigating to Action History in the device summary page, If your previous action has been completed successfully, you will be able to see a notification with the action message “Wipe App Data” and its status “Success” at the top of the list.

You can use this help doc to get the clearer picture.

Michelle Hendricks
Hexnode MDM.

