Difference between Remote view and Remote controlSolved

5 years ago

So, you can help about difference between Remote View and Remote Control , please?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

The Remote view feature lets real-time visibility into the user’s device from the MDM console. The admin will get a clear picture of the issue if any. The feature is supported on iOS devices (iOS 11 and above) and all android devices.
The Remote control feature gives the admin a real-time control over the user’s device as if it were in the hand. He gets full access to the device and thus can view and control the user’s device from the Hexnode MDM console. It is supported by  Samsung SAFE  supported and rooted Android devices.

Kindly use the link for a further explanation.

Grace Baker
