Happy to help you @Riker!
The steps that you performed are exact. However, as you update any private app from the Google Play console, you should be mindful of certain other factors. While preparing the updates, ensure that the newly developed app meets the following criteria:
- The package name of the new app must be the same as the package name of the current version.
- The version code of the latest APK should be greater than the current version.
- The newly uploaded app bundle or APK must be signed with the same signature.
Since you have come across the error stating the requirement of the original package name, you might have uploaded a version with a different package name. Kindly ascertain that the package names of both versions are identical.
I hope it helps you. Feel free to contact us for more queries.
Catherine George
Hexnode UEM
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by