Reason for non-compliance of a device in HexnodeSolved

5 years ago

My enrolled device shows that it is outside compliance. Why am I getting this, where can I find out why my device isn’t compliant?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Birdie,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

From your portal, you would be able to find out swiftly, as to why your devices aren’t compliant. This can be found by navigating to Manage -> Clicking on the non-compliant device, to open the device’s “Device Summary” page.

Scrolling down on this page, shall help you view the summary of the “Compliance Info” of the device, with respect to the policies/ profiles assigned to it.

Additionally, you can configure a few settings, which shall act as flags to decide if your device is compliant/ not.

These flags are found under Admin -> General Settings -> Compliance Settings.

You can customize these options to suit your target performance, and once you are done making changes on this page, you shall have to scroll down and hit the “Save” button.


Thomas Specter

Hexnode MDM
