Hey guys, I have around 500 Windows devices in my organization. I was trying to set the password policy in my devices and even after associating the policy, no prompt was coming up in the device end asking me to change the password. Has anyone faced such an issue?
No prompt is received on setting password policySolved
Replies (6)
I don’t think you will get a prompt to change the password in Windows devices when they are active. I usually get the prompt on the login screen. I think you just have to restart your devices to get the prompt.
Since the employees will be working on their devices most of time, a number of application and services will be running in their devices at all times. It might be difficult to ask them to restart their devices suddenly.
Hey Rhys, I don’t think you need to restart a Windows device to get a prompt to change the password according to the password policy that you have configured. The users will get a prompt to change their password during the next login screen, when the user tries to login to the device after the device gets locked or goes to sleep.
But will they be shown the password requirements as well in the login screen when they are asked to change the password?
Yeah, actually the password requirements will also be displayed to the user in detail when they are prompted to change the password. They will be able to change the password only if the new password satisfies all the criteria which is configured inside the password policy.
Hey! The prompt did come up in the login screen and I didn’t have to ask them to restart their devices as well. Thanks a lot guys! Good day. Bye!