My device says it’s non-compliant and inactive.What is the reason?Solved

7 years ago

Hey there. Good morning. I have a question about one of my devices. It says it’s non-compliant and inactive. Is that just because it hasn’t been turned on for a while, or did someone remove the hexnode software? do you know? thank you!!!

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey Eric,

If your device has not been scanned for the particular number of days as specified under Admin > MDM Settings, your device will be marked as “inactive”.
If your device does not meet any of the compliance requirements it will be marked as “non-compliant”.
Some of the reasons why your device is noted as non-compliant are as follows:
• Device might have blacklisted apps in it.
• Device might not have met passcode rules.
• Device might not have the mandatory apps installed in it.

Have a look at this forum topic for additional info regarding Compliance issues.

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