is it possible to use multiple dep accounte for device management in the portal?
Can we use multiple DEP accounts in Hexnode?Solved
Replies (3)
Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.
Yes, you can add multiple DEP accounts.
Please follow the below steps for the addition of new DEP accounts:
- Login to your Hexnode portal.
- Navigate to Admin > Apple Business/School Manager > Apple DEP.
- Navigate to the ‘DEP Accounts’ sub-tab and click on the ‘Configure DEP Account’ button. The options to be configured for adding a new account will be listed.
Kindly configure the options and click Save.
Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
Can DEP enrollment can be done for all Apple devices?
Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.
The devices purchased from Apple or an authorized dealer, on or after 1st March 2011, can be added to DEP. Also, the devices must be running a compatible OS version as follows:
- iOS 7 or later (for iOS devices)
- OS X 10.9 or later (for Mac devices)
- tv OS 10.2 or later (for Apple TV)
Please check out our help doc on DEP for more info.
Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM