Microsoft teams in kiosk and app configuration (Android)Solved

3 months ago

I would like to configure Microsoft Teams on shared Android devices for our employees, ensuring only company accounts can sign in. Once that’s done, the devices should be locked to Teams only. How can I achieve this?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
3 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @Josiah ! Thanks for reaching out!

You can use Hexnode’s App Configuration feature to ensure that only company accounts are allowed to sign in to Microsoft Teams, effectively blocking unauthorized access. Once the app configurations have been set up, you can apply the Single App Kiosk Lockdown feature to restrict the device to Microsoft Teams only.

The steps given below will guide you to configure Microsoft Teams.

  1. Navigate Apps > +Add Apps > Managed Google Apps and select Microsoft Teams app.
  2. Install the app through Hexnode portal.
  3. Create a new policy for Android.
  4. Go to App Management > App Configuration and add Microsoft Teams app.

    While configuring Microsoft Teams app, enter the wildcard %emailid% in the Allowed Accounts field. This allows only the email account associated with the user to whom the device is assigned in the Hexnode UEM portal to sign in. Also enable Require login using a password option for added security.

    Configuring Microsoft Teams app in Hexnode UEM.

    Once the app is configured, you can activate kiosk mode to lock the device to Microsoft Teams only.

  5. Click on Kiosk Lockdown > Android Kiosk Lockdown > Single App and select Microsoft Teams app.
  6. Apply the policy to the Android devices.

If you have any further concerns, feel free to reach out to us.

Best Regards,
Isabel Lora
Hexnode UEM
