Launch apps from the Windows toolbar – Kiosk modeSolved

4 years ago

Hey All

Need help,

Problem with Windows multi app kiosk. Closing an application places it on the notification area of the device. But after kiosk is enabled, the app icon is not visible on the notification area. The situation goes downhill and I have no way of opening it on kiosk. Found this really troublesome! Any way I can get around?

Replies (5)

Marked SolutionPending Review
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

I guess there should be a minimize to tray option in the app settings. Turn it off and it will be minimized as usual. Good luck!

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @archie_e:

Happy to help!

I want you to make clear specific things.

  1. Is the app installed in the kiosk account successfully?
  2. Have you specified the given app in the Start Layout?
Marked SolutionPending Review
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

The app is already installed on the kiosk account. i am able to open it from the notification area when not in kiosk.

no, app is not included in the layout.

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

No worries!

Since the app is already installed and you can access it outside the kiosk, there are no issues with app installation. The possible reason why you are unable to access it while on kiosk would probably be:

When you close the app, the app isn’t getting closed. Instead, it is placed in the notification tray. Since it is not closed completely, you will have to access the icon directly from the notification tray. But, as the app icon is not displayed on the notification tray while on the kiosk mode, it is almost impractical to open the application.

The only workaround to your problem is to include the given application in the Start layout. Then, customize the Start layout once again to add the app. Further, re-configure the multi-app kiosk policy with the new Start layout XML file. After the policy is associated successfully, the Start layout of the device gets updated. And, you an have alternative method of opening the app from the Start menu.

I hope it helps!
Catherine George
Hexnode UEM

Marked SolutionPending Review
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review