Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE) Premium license key in Hexnode MDMSolved

5 years ago

I have seen the option to configure KPE license on Hexnode portal. What is this used for?

Replies (3)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

The KPE premium license key is a paid commercial key used to access both standard and premium permissions from Samsung Knox. It enables you to manage the Knox container on Samsung devices and provides you with advanced security features as well as comprehensive device configurations and controls.

The list of configurations that are made available using the KPE license key includes:

  • Customize the boot-up and shutdown animations on your Samsung Knox 2.5+ devices.
  • Automatically power off a device when USB is detached: Enable this option under Policies > Android > Advanced Restrictions > Allow Settings to power off a device when a power cable is disconnected from it.  The feature is supported only on Samsung Knox 2.8+ devices.
  • Automatically power on a device when USB is connected: Enable this option under Policies > Android > Advanced Restrictions > Allow Settings to automatically turn on a device when a power cable is connected. The feature is supported only on Samsung Knox 2.6+ devices.
  • Remotely turn off the Samsung Knox devices using Hexnode.

Please check out our help doc on the KPE Premium license key for more info.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM

Marked SolutionPending Review
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Where in the Hexnode portal should I add the KPE license key to avail the privileges granted by it?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Opal,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

To avail additional features on your Samsung Knox compatible devices, you can add the Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium license key in Hexnode MDM in Admin -> Knox Platform for Enterprise.

You can have a look at this video to help you with the process; you can also have a look at the help document for the same: 


Thomas Specter
Hexnode MDM
