Kiosk mode on Chromecast 4K does not seem to workSolved

6 months ago

We are using a hexnode policy on tablet devices with single-app kiosk mode and it works fine. I’m now testing the same policy on a Chromecast 4K device. The steps I’ve followed are roughly as follows:

  • setup Chromecast device
  • turn on USB debugging
  • download hexnode APK from [1] and install on Chromecast through ADB
  • launch hexnode app
  • enroll device (enter server name, setup permissions…)
  • in hexnode management, apply single-app policy to device

The kiosk app is installed (I can see it from adb shell pm list packages), the kiosk mode is entered, but the kiosk app is not launched. The screen ends up on what looks like the hexnode internal app launcher, our kiosk app is briefly listed during installation, but then disappears. Pressing the HOME button on the remote briefly pops up the default Chromecast launcher, then gets back to the (mostly) hexnode launcher.

Are there any requirements on the kiosk app that are needed for the kiosk mode to work on an Android TV device?


Replies (3)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @mlincor ,

While our team looks into the issue, could you please confirm if the app appears on the launcher when the device is not in kiosk mode? This will help us determine if the app is optimized for Android TVs. 

Best regards,  
Chloe Edison 
Hexnode UEM 

Marked SolutionPending Review
6 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

If by “optimized for Android TVs” you mean whether the app declares the category “android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER” in its manifest, then the answer is no. The manifest contains currently the following:‍

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @mlincor , 

It is necessary that LEANBACK_LAUNCHER also be declared in the application manifest for it to be displayed on the launcher of the device.  

However, could you try launching the app from within Settings > Apps? 

Would it be possible to share the name of the application (if it is publicly available), so that we can test the case from our end as well? 

Best regards,  
Chloe Edison 
Hexnode UEM 
