Hi Is there a way that I can pause a policy on a user phone to make some changesSolved

7 years ago

Hi ,Is there a way that I can pause a policy on a user phone to make some changes?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Tom,

With Hexnode MDM you can edit a policy anytime and associate it to target devices.  To edit a policy, perform the following steps.
1.Log in to your MDM Console.
2.Click on Policies. Select the policy you wish to edit.
3.Navigate to Policy Targets and remove the device from the list.
4.Make the necessary changes to the policy as per your requirement. Click on Save.

Whenever you wish to resume using the policy, Navigate to Policies and click on the Policy Name.
Click on Policy Targets and add the device to the list.
Click on Save.

The policy will be updated to the associated target device.

Thanks and regards
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