How to see hidden accounts on Mac?Solved

4 months ago

Hey everyone,

I need some help with something going on in one of our computer labs. It seems like there are a couple of local accounts on our Macs that are hidden from the admin accounts. When I log in from the lab’s admin account, I can’t see these accounts. But when I log in with the hidden account’s credentials, everything shows up fine.

Any idea how I can unhide these accounts so I can update their passwords and make other changes?

If I install an application while logged in as the admin, will it also be accessible to hidden accounts?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
4 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @nevaeh! To unhide those accounts, just run this command in the Terminal while logged into the admin account:

Just replace hiddenuseraccountname with the actual username of the hidden account. If you want to hide them again later, use this command:

And yeah, any software you install as the admin will be available for the hidden accounts too, so no worries there 😊
