How do i remove MBPs from MDM in DEPSolved

7 years ago

Apple DEP removal process .How do i remove MBPs from MDM in DEP.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Lawrence,

Once a device is added to the Device Enrollment Program (DEP), you cannot remove it. As an alternative method, you can switch between MDM servers with DEP.

The complete instructions to do this is available here: Let me summarize.

  1. Go to
  2. Login and create a new server there.
  3. Obtain a DEP token from your new server and upload it on the DEP portal.
  4. In return, you’ll get a server token. Upload it to your new MDM software.
  5. On the DEP portal, go to Managed Devices.
  6. Add serial numbers/order numbers of all the MacBook Pros you’re planning to migrate to the new MDM server.
  7. On the next screen, select the MDM server you created in step 2.

If you have any other questions regarding this, please feel free to ask.

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