How do I push out custom profiles using iMazing or Configurator 2.0?Solved

4 years ago

Hi I want to push out custom profiles. How can I do this?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Bach,

Thrilled to hear from you!

Hexnode is planning on introducing the feature to run .mobileconfig files on macOS devices.

So, what exactly is this feature?

Using this feature, you can deploy custom configurations by uploading the .mobileconfig files. These files may have configurations and restrictions and can be applied to the macOS devices remotely from Hexnode.

How does this feature work?

In Apple devices, the policies can be pushed as .mobileconfig files and these policies would get implemented the same way as regular policies.

This can be implemented for both iOS as well as Apple TV devices as well.

Since the feature is in the development phase, more details are not available at the moment. But no worries, we shall keep you updated with the latest news.

We have raised a feature request on your behalf so be assured that you will be notified!

Be updated on the latest news from

Eva Tyler
Hexnode MDM

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  eva-tyler.