Get notified when users have a weak password using HexnodeSolved

5 years ago

Can i generate a notification that would tell me if any users have weak password?
for example anyone under 10 characters

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

Yes, you can. Hexnode lets you configure password rule for devices. This will force the user to set a password that meets the requirements specified by the admin.

Hexnode lets you configure password rules for AndroidiOSmacOS and Windows devices.

Follow the below steps to set up password restrictions:

  1. Navigate to Policies-> Android/iOS/macOS/Windows-> Password and click Configure.
  2. Configure the displayed options for creating the password rule.
  3. Associate targets and save the policy.

The user will now receive a prompt asking to set a password as per the specified requirements.
If the user does not configure a password as per the requirements, the device can be marked as non-compliant. Also, the admin can be notified about the non-compliance. Please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin-> General Settings-> Compliance Settings and enable the option ‘Device is not password compliant’. Click Save.
  2. Go to Admin-> Notifications and enable the option ‘Device out of compliance’ under Notify the administrators on. Click Save.


Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
