Getting notified when device moves out of GeofenceSolved

5 years ago

Can I get notified when the devices moves out of the fence I have created?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review


Thank you for reaching out to us.

The device will be marked non- compliant when it moves out of a Geofence or enters a restricted area. You can configure Notifications settings so that the administrators, as well as the associated users, get notified via email upon the device non-compliance.
To create a Geofence, go to Admin–> Geofencing and click on Create Fence. Draw your fence on the map and click Save.
To enforce the Geofence on to a device, you would have to add it to a policy. Go to Policies–> General Settings–> Geofencing. Click on Add Fence and select the fence you want from the list.
To enable Notifications, go to Admin–> Notifications, under Notify the Administrators on, check the option Device out of Compliance. You can also notify the users when a device goes out of compliance. Under Notify the associated users on, check the option Device out of Compliance.

Eric Miller
Hexnode MDM

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by  eric-miller.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by  eric-miller.