Feature Request: Sort Apps Manually or by Alphabet in Android KoiskSolved

6 years ago

As Above.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi There,

Thanks for bringing this to our concern.

We have raised a feature request here on your behalf to customise the Kiosk Launcher remotely.

We are planning to revamp the product & UI. So, these changes might be included in that. Will keep you posted.

However,  you can manually drag and arrange the icons in order at the device end while in Kiosk mode. You can enable the option in Policy -> Kiosk Lockdown -> Launcher -> “Customise Kiosk Launcher” in order to achieve that.

Please bear with us till then.


— Hexnode Support
