how do I exit the kiosk locally if I can’t get back to the desktop? I have tried tapping the screen ten times and doesn’t bring up the password entry
how do I exit the kiosk locally if I can’t get back to the desktop? I have tried tapping the screen ten times and doesn’t bring up the password entry
Hi Lucas,
To exit Kiosk mode locally, there’s just the one option, tap on the Kiosk screen ten times within five seconds. Chances are that, even though you had tapped on the Kiosk screen ten times, you might not have done that within a span of five seconds. A few more things to remember when you’re tapping.
Here’s our complete guide on how you can exit kiosk mode on Android. If you still can’t get it to work, just get in touch with our support team. Our agents would be happy to jump in on a call and get it sorted out for you.
Here is a video which explains how you can exit from Kiosk mode.
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