Does Hexnode support the management of LG GATE devices?Solved

5 years ago

We have purchased a number of LG GATE devices? We need to know whether Hexnode can fully utilize the features supported by LG GATE and provide maximum output in device management.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

Yes, Hexnode will be able to remotely manage the LG GATE devices. Hexnode MDM’s integration with LG GATE API gives MDM the power to use the device’s EMM capabilities to its fullest.
You will be able to enforce restrictions on devices and limit the user’s access to device features. You can enable/disable the device camera, power and home button, Wi-Fi, etc on target devices using Hexnode.

Please have a look at the list of LG GATE devices that Hexnode supports and restrictions that can be imposed.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
