Does Hexnode MDM automatically send out update alerts to all of the devicesSolved

8 years ago

Hi, I have a quick question about application updates. When I update an application’s source file from the Admin page, does it automatically send out update alerts to all of the devices, or can I control the timing in which the users are alerted of updates? Also  Is there any way to be selective about which devices receive updates?

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Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi, Christo,

When you update the source, update alerts are sent out to all the devices. If you want to be selective about the updates, it’s best to add the new version as a separate app in the app inventory. You can then create a device group with selected devices and assign the app to the group. Only those devices get the update alert.

While adding the new version of the app, make sure the app version and version code are different. Updates work the just the same as app installation. When two different versions are assigned via policies only the latest version is pushed to the device. Have a look at this help article on Enterprise App distribution. Let us know if you need any help.

Update roll-out timing is currently not supported but it’s on our roadmap. This, along with a bunch of other scheduled actions will be available in the coming months. You can catch all the new features roundup here

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