Custom app store in macOSSolved

4 years ago

We can deploy apps through hexnode but can we have customers choose apps to download for themself anytime? Something like a custom app store where we can selectively add the store apps or, a custom page on the App Store.
The requirement is app can be installed or uninstalled anytime but the app collection should be displayed separately in one place.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @Noud, you can do that with App Catalogs on Hexnode. You can selectively add apps to the app catalog and they will show up on the Hexnode MDM app in the end device. To get started, create a new app catalog on the App Inventory,
1. Navigate to Apps tab.
2. Select App Catalogs > + New.
3. Add a suitable name and optionally a description for the catalog.
4. Click on Apps > +Add Apps to add apps of your choice.
5. If you would like to add app groups, select App Groups > +Add App Groups.
7. Click Save Catalog.

To deploy the app catalog to your macOS devices, navigate to Policies > New Policy > macOS > App Catalog > [Add the app catalog]; associate the policy with your devices and deploy the policy.

Users may now access the app catalog on the device by opening the Hexnode MDM app and navigating to the App Catalog tab. They may view the apps you’ve added and install as required from here, anytime.

Zach Goodman
Hexnode UEM
