Configure screen saver settings on Sonoma MacsSolved

5 months ago

Hey everyone! I’m new to Hexnode UEM and just started managing a bunch of macOS devices (Sonoma OS). I’m trying to enforce a screensaver after 10 minutes of inactivity and make sure a password is required to unlock. I’ve been using a script, but it’s not working, and the end-users can still mess with the screensaver settings in System Settings. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Replies (2)

Marked SolutionPending Review
5 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @remy-parker ! You can actually get this done with a custom configuration profile. Here’s a configuration profile:

This configuration will lock the screen saver settings so users can’t change them manually. Easy fix 😉

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @remy-parker , glad to see you’re jumping in with your questions! @otis’s got it spot on with the configuration profile, and we’ve verified it, so you’re good to go if you want to use that. You can deploy this configuration to your end points via Hexnode’s Deploy Custom Configuration feature.

But here’s a pro tip: Hexnode UEM offers a built-in feature that can address your issue without requiring a custom profile. By using the Screensaver policy, you can enforce a screen saver after 10 minutes of inactivity and require a password for unlocking. This solution is more efficient and eliminates the need to manage custom profiles.

Either way works, though, so feel free to go with whichever you prefer. Hit us up if you run into any issues.

Ben Clarke
Hexnode UEM
