Configure Accessibility Settings on macOS with Hexnode UEMSolved

Hexnode Expert
9 months ago

Hexnode is about to take the user interface customization to the next level with the macOS Accessibility Services.

With this latest update, Hexnode allows you to better utilize the built-in Accessibility Services on macOS remotely, to ensure an inclusive user experience for all your users. From Display and zoom controls, audio and voice-over settings, to input control, including mouse, trackpad, and keyboard settings, we’ve got the whole package covered. So, you can create a digital environment that promotes equal accessibility for all your users.

Our developers are working hard to get this feature out there to you at the earliest, and it won’t be long before the official release. In the meantime, keep an eye out for what else is cooking here at Hexnode UEM.

Stay tuned!
Audrey Black
Hexnode UEM

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