Cannot select the app from privacy preference policySolved

3 years ago

Been trying to configure privacy settings for the zoom app for a while. We need to enable the screen recording permission so our users shall be able to record the screen. No matter what we did, we cannot select the app from the payload. it says it cannot fetch the required info. Screenshot attached below:

cannot select app in pppc

Tried scanning the device but the result seems to be the same again. Hope someone comes out to the rescue fast!

Replies (3)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
3 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @werner, thanks for reaching out to us!

From your description, it seems that the identifier of your installed Zoom app varies with the PKG identifier of the Zoom app. Also, it is seen that the Store App checkbox is left unchecked. In this case, you can just enable this checkbox and search the app. You will now be able to select and configure the necessary settings for the Zoom app. To configure the screen recording settings, you can either set it to Default, Deny or Let user authorize. The latter option is available only on macOS 11.0+ and, if chosen, lets the users grant permission to record the screen.

Have a look at the Privacy Preferences Policy Control profile to know more.

Hope this answers your query.

Jeff Morrison
Hexnode UEM

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  Jeff.
  • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  Jeff.
Marked SolutionPending Review
3 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

@werner I’ve been in the same shoes a few months back. Checked out different ways to configure privacy settings for a custom dmg app but it turned out that app is not even getting listed in the preference section. What I found is that we can see the store app instance of the same app but its enterprise version is always hidden. We’ve already worked out using different browsers and incognito modes but all in vain.

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
3 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

@techsoul We’re sorry to inform you that the current workflow of the PPPC profile does not permit listing DMG files in the profile. But you needn’t worry! We won’t keep you waiting for long. Our team has all hands on deck now to get this feature rolling soon.

Hope to hear from you again soon,

Jeff Morrison
Hexnode UEM
