Broadcast Message, Kiosk App Filter and moreSolved

Hexnode Expert
8 years ago

Version : 5.3.3

Release date: 27th July 2017

Main Features

  1. Device Restart feature for Android
  2. Uninstall app feature for Android (excluding system apps).
  3. Broadcast message support for iOS devices.
  4. Shutdown and Restart feature for iOS supervised devices.
  5. Column selection and kiosk app filter for applications list in device details page.

Device restart

The Samsung SAFE devices, rooted Android devices and devices having Hexnode MDM as a system app now supports the remote device restart feature which allows the admin to restart these devices remotely.

Uninstall app feature for Android

All Android device now support the app uninstall feature. This is not silent uninstallation, but prompt the user to uninstall a particular app.

Broadcast message support for iOS devices

Bug fixes.

Shutdown and Restart feature for iOS supervised devices

Bug fixes.

Column selection and kiosk app filter

Bug fixes

Replies (2)

Marked SolutionPending Review
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Can the broadcasted messages be seen from my Hexnode portal?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

Yes, you can see the broadcasted messages from the portal.
Please follow the below steps for the same:

  • Navigate to the Manage tab and click on the desired device.
    You will be directed to the device summary page.
  • Navigate to the Action History subtab. Click on the Messages button.
    The messages that has been broadcasted to the specific device will now be listed along with other details such as when the message was sent, when it was received, and which technician has sent the message.

Kindly use the link for further info on the same.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
