Apple Store Connect IDs personal or managed?Solved

2 years ago

Guys, I am facing this problem.

We want to federate our domain in ABM to prevent users from using work emails as personal Apple IDs. We want to create managed Apple IDs for all users in our enterprise.

During the account setup in ABM using the Apple IDs created by our team through App Store Connect, we encountered errors stating that the Apple IDs already exist. We wonder if these Apple IDs are considered personal and cannot be managed in ABM?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
2 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey Kourtney, thanks for bringing up the concern.

During the federation process, any accounts previously created with your domain will receive notifications about being taken over by the organization.
Account owners will have 60 days to surrender the name. If they don’t do so within that time, the accounts will be added to your organization.

It’s important to note that this process only affects the name/email associated with the account and does not provide access to the account itself. Account owners will have a 60-day period to select a different name/email. If they don’t make any changes, the system will automatically assign a random name/email to their accounts.

Hope this helps.

Kenny Markovic
Hexnode UEM
