App auto update settings is missing in Device OwnerSolved

4 years ago

I was wondering why we cannot modify the device end settings for app auto-update. We signed up for a Hexnode trial and enrolled our device in the Android Enterprise Device Owner mode. But for our apps, we can’t seem to find the app update settings on the Play store. For some of our apps, we need to restrict the auto update or at least put the settings to WiFi only. IS there any way from Hexnode to change the settings?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @Alondra, sorry to hear about that.

App auto-update settings modification is disabled by default by Hexnode for Managed Google Play apps. In general cases, by default, the apps in Google Play Store are set to update over Wi-Fi only. Also, the update will happen only when the device is idle or charging and the app is not running in the foreground. However, in the Hexnode Work container (Android Enterprise), apps are set to auto-update even when not charging or idle and over any network. With these settings, our device admins can ensure the enterprise apps on the managed devices are always ready and up to date.

Zach Goodman
Hexnode UEM
