API examplesSolved

6 years ago

Looking for detail examples of the expected way of asking the API. At least what the API is expecting when asking through the HTTP Request.

Having problems building the link to send a message to other devices.


POST https://<portalname>.hexnodemdm.com/api/v1/actions/message/

Where do we write the message?

POST https://<portalname>.hexnodemdm.com/api/v1/actions/message=testing&user=1


POST https://<portalname>.hexnodemdm.com/api/v1/actions/?message=testing&user=1

the message would be testing and it would arrive at the user id = 1

examples like this are laking for a simple and direct way of using the API.

These questions are not only for the message request but for every other HTTP request



Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey Ricardo!
Thanks for reaching out to us!
You’ve added the parameters in the URL, instead of the body of the HTTP request.
You’ll need an API development tool to send the HTTP requests. Include the authorization under headers and data in the body of the request as JSON.
Another alternative is using curl to access our API via the command-line interface, as provided in our API documentation.
Hope this helps!

Do have a look through the latest feature updates and what’s cooking here at Hexnode MDM!

Amy Watson
Hexnode MDM
