Account driven enrollment and personal iCloud accountSolved

3 months ago

Hey, I need some clarity on this setup. We’ve got 50 Mac devices we’ve been managing manually, but now our organization wants to bring them into Hexnode UEM (without resetting/erasing anything). Account-driven enrollment sounds like the way to go, but all these Macs currently have users logged in with their personal iCloud accounts. If we start the account-driven enrollment, will they have to sign out of their personal iClouds and log in with Managed Apple IDs? Any idea?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
3 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @emersyn!
No need to stress about the personal iCloud accounts on your devices! They’ll stay just as they are, and users won’t be prompted to log out of their personal iClouds during the account-driven enrollment. Once enrolled, you’ll see both the personal iCloud account and the organization’s Managed Apple ID iCloud account clearly separated under the Internet Accounts section.

Personal and organization's iCloud accounts

Hope that clears things up! If you have more questions, just let me know!

Ben Clarke
Hexnode UEM
