Apple TV

All posts with the Apple TV tag

1 month ago

Can I set up a Start-up application on Apple TV?

Hey all! We have a few Apple TVs set up on our production line to display instructions for the line workers. Our enterprise application plays these instructions line by line, repeating for a set period of time. Now, we have a new requirement: we need our enterprise application to launch automatically on startup. Is there…

1 year ago

Delay software updates on Apple TV

While everyone eagerly anticipates updating their devices to the latest OS versions, as an IT admin, it's crucial to ensure the stability of the newest OS version. Before deploying it to all the Apple TVs in your organization, you may want to ensure that apps critical to your organization are compatible with the new OS…

1 year ago

Apple TV - Kiosk Mode - delayed app after restart

Kiosk mode would work perfectly for our manufacturing plant if after reboot, the app would delay from opening for a specified amount of time. The problem we are facing is the app opens before networking (wifi) is established and the app goes into an error which requires the end-user to click retry. If we had…

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